
Stone Edge carries out special production safety action, strengthen the theoretical armament, and build a safety fortress!

Publish Time: 2023-11-21

Recently, in order to strengthen the company’s production safety management, improve the safety awareness of all staff, enhance the safety expertise of all staff, and firmly establish the concept of safety development, Stone Edge Technology revised the “production safety management system” and held a special meeting on production safety management. On the meeting, the company publicized the system and carried out the training about safety management knowledge for the middle and senior staff. After the meeting, the company also checked and eliminated the risk points and hidden security problems in the office space, production workshop and engineering construction sites and other areas. The meeting requested that all departments should channel more efforts to safety inspections, set up a response mechanism, implement the responsibility and enhance the strict investigation. The meeting emphasized that the person in charge of each department should understand the significance of production safety, establish the management policy of “safety first, prevention crucial, comprehensive treatment”, and implement it in practices. In addition, we have to do a good job of information security control, strengthen the company’s confidential document flow, data control, enhance the awareness of security and confidentiality.

Training and Education

In order to ensure that the production safety education work to go deep and practical, it shall realize that all staff shall know and focus on the safety production knowledge. On July 19, the science and technology organization of Stone Edge carried out a training themed “2023 Production Safety Laws and Regulations and the Company’s Relevant Management System, and the head of each part of the head of the organization of the department to carry out the knowledge of production safety publicity and learning. The person in charge of each part organized the department to carry out the knowledge of safety production. Focused on learning and mastering the knowledge of safety laws and regulations, and emphasized the importance of establishing a full production safety responsibility system. The specific duties and legal responsibilities of production and operation units and employees in various positions in the enterprise’s production safety were studied in detail.

Specific Measures

Since mid-July, the company’s production safety committee has organized the hidden danger inspection team to carry out a full-coverage net-type special inspections with focusing on office electricity, water supply, fire safety, construction safety and other key areas, and effectively eliminate potential safety hazards in the embryonic state. In order to avoid the great hidden danger of electricity safety and fire safety, and to ensure the safety of production work, the company issued a “Notice on Prohibition of Use of Electric High-Power Appliances in Office and Production Places”. In the next step, the Engineering Department will take the lead in organizing the company’s entire staff to carry out the assessment of knowledge related to “production safety laws and regulations”, so as to enhance the accumulation of theoretical knowledge and build a safety fortress together.

Overall Target

Safety is the first productive force, and is a prerequisite for carrying out production and operation. Stone Edge firmly establish the purpose of production safety, and effectively implement the concept of safety development. Each department Under the guidance of the production safety committee, each department achieve to be in place in four aspects: safety investment in place, basic management in place, safety training in place, and emergency rescue in place. At the same time, we must achieve full coverage of safety responsibilities, full coverage of the region, establish a dual prevention mechanism for safety risk classification and control and hidden trouble detection and management, build a complete safety management system, and comprehensively investigate the hidden dangers of safety, to avoid safety accidents, to provide safe working conditions for the staff, and to protect the normal production and smooth development of the enterprise under safe conditions.


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